Saturday, 19 September 2015

End of the Road Leaves

Ed and I very willingly volunteered to cut lyrics into leaves for the second year at End of the Road Festival in Dorset. When we arrived, we discovered that the tree/bush we had used last year had been completely cut back so had to relocate. There were several factors we had to consider in choosing a new location - how many people would be passing through the area and whether it would be noticed; whether it was a 'pretty' area that would suit the poetic lyrics; we also had to discuss our choice with the festival decor crew to determine whether it would fit with the other installations they had planned. It was decided that we could us ethe fairy light trail this year, which we were pleased with as it is a really beautiful area, the leaves could be seen at night as well as during the day and it is a popular pathway for people to use. It is tricky to describe the experience of the fairy light trail at night, but it is a pretty ethereal and awe-inspiring place... (the first year we worked at the art department we were tasked with putting out the fairy light so I am all too aware of how many sets of lights are used).

We went and stood in the clearing where he had cut the leaves at various points throughout the weekend - it is so enjoyable to watch people discover and experience the leaves. We also witnessed people taking photos of them, with them and even sneakily stealing them (which we don't mind). I decided to pick up some of the dead leaves from the floor and cut 'End of the Road 2015' as momentos for the keen eyed - I just love people coming across them, almost as a perk of being observant. I dropped them surrepticiously arounfd the place and then sat and watched people find them... or completely miss them. One very little boy picked one up and showed it to his dad; the dad photographed it and then hung it back on tree. I thought that was really touching. 

The response on social media was even greater than last year because of the more popular location. It's been facinating to see the ;eaves appear on twitter and instagram, and to read the comments. Ed also discovered that Sufjan Stevens (headliner and all round incredible person) had posted a photo of a leaf with one of his lyrics that I had cut) - achievement of the year! How wonderful for it to get back to the artist who wrote those words.

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