Friday, 18 March 2016

V&A Museum - Display

Beofore the NHM, I also had a look round the V&A for display inspiration and found it equally hard to find methods that would work for displaying my contact lenses. Most things were just a lot bigger. Many of the displays were in quite dark rooms with lighting over the cabinets themselves, which I know would make the contact lenses very difficult to make out because of the reflections. I am starting to think maybe photographing them is not just a nice artwork but a necessity for viewing them anyway. I guess if a museum were to preserve them then really they would be kept in enclosed, temperature regulated storage and so I am unlikely to find any display methods that would really suit my purpose.

I made my way to the jewellery section as these were the smallest artifacts I knew I would find, but I wasn't allowed to take any photos. There was only one pair of gold earrings which were as small as my lenses and they were held up with wire looping through them, as they were in the outline of hearts. I almost want to contact someone in a museum and ask how they would display such a thing. Now that I have been paying so much attention to it, it seems like a really interesting area - there must be a lot of decision making before displaying things. I wonder what the job title of that role is called.

Managed to have a good look at Cornelia Parker's piece in their too...

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