Wednesday, 27 April 2016

New Images of Contacts

On Monday I met up with Max, who is a second year MNHP student, and who photographed my lenses before Christmas. The surface of the lenses had changed so much that I felt it would be worth taking another set of photos... even if I don't use them now I will have them for a future work, and it is much easier to get hold of someone who can take macro shots now than after I leave.

Unfortunately the same equipment as last time wasn't available so Max had to manually track the shots instead of using a digital one, which makes it easier to take more photos. I do feel like this impacted the quality of the photos slightly as before I had used up to 20 images to make one photo and this time was using as few as 5 images on some lenses.

Editing and stacking the images was tricky to  begin with because I had to remember or re-learn all the processes but I found that I was far more compotent on photoshop this time round and sped through the editing to get them ready for making into slides.

Overall I am really pleased with the edited images, some of them more than others. It always seems to be the ones I don't think will look right that look the best.

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